Model of the Month!

June 2002 - Tamiya M3 Sherman 105, in 1/16 scale. It has Radio Control to drive around, but lacks the full light and sound package. It's an older kit, simplified in construction to make it more robust while tooling around the back yard. Construction took only 12 hours, of which 6 were taken up assembling the tracks.



June 2002 - Heller Souma in 1/35 scale. Yes, I do kits other than Tamiya. A nice kit, some external handles fell under the size limit for parts I'll deal with, so they were ignored. The French camouflage scheme was fun to paint, using an airbrush and my new spray booth. I feel the dry-brushing went well - the bolt detail on the road wheel covers came out quite well.

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May 2002
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July 2002